Caveats, provisos and cop outs

Can you spot health and safety errors in this scenario?



  • Gardening is a battle with nature’s true course and sometimes it doesn’t like it. Plants die. Sometimes inexplicably, sometimes because no-one watered them, fed them or pruned them badly - when I wasn’t there. I will always do my best to put a plant, whatever size, in the right place. But ultimately please don’t blame me if the weather turns, it gets eaten by a pest or the frost hits it. Trade nurseries don’t give guarantees or refunds either.

  • I have public liability insurance. If there’s an accident (which there never has been with me) then let’s discuss it. If anyone is likely to get injured it’s me, then I can’t work and will have to eat weeds instead. So I don’t go up big ladders, use throbbing chainsaws or spray chemicals around.

  • Photos. I take photos of my work as a matter of record and use some on this website. I don’t identify owners, homes or addresses. Let me know if you want anything removed. Otherwise I will assume that you are okay with me taking photos in the first place. Thanks.


I am registered self-employed with HMRC. I file my tax return annually. I keep records of what I have earned and spent based on my invoices, etc. Cash is no longer king, is it?