It looks beautiful today. But what about tomorrow?

A garden designer I know was bereft that 2 years on from installing their multi-faceted garden masterpiece for their client it had all gone to rack and ruin.

She showed me pictures of the amazing spaces she had created and asked me if I could help turn back the clock. What I saw was an unrecognisable scene of horticultural chaos needing a team to blitz it to get it back on track.

This is the big question for anyone about to spend £thousands on revamping their garden. How are you going to keep it looking pristine as left by the garden designer?

It’s not like getting the front room decorated where a little light dusting is all that’s required. You can’t turn your back on your garden. It grows while you aren’t looking.

You either have to set aside time to keep on top of all the garden tasks or hire someone like me to regularly maintain it.

In another garden the client told me they had spent £30k on it at the outset. Initially they let it fall into disarray and then had to bring a horticultural team in to restore order and balance.

A well ordered, sumptuous garden is a joy and a treasure. But that takes considerable time and effort - forever.