What you can do in the garden when I am not there

I love working in your garden and always feel a sense of satisfaction at the end of a gardening session and I can see the improvements. But if you really want to get the best result there are a number of tasks you need to do. If I am there every other week then the garden itself will not wait for me to come back.

Gardens never sleep other than in the ever-shortening winter season. When I am doing regular visits it’s advantageous if you:

·         Water regularly as necessary

·         Cut the grass and edge it

·         Clear leaves and any debris after windy days

·         Make sure the garden bins are empty when I arrive

·         Remove any pet waste

All of this means that I when I turn up I can focus on the plants – and the weeds – and everything else you would expect a qualified gardener to do. Thank you for your time and appreciation!